Missionary Jobs & Opportunities
You’ve heard God’s invitation to go and make disciples of all nations. Browse these ready-made missionary jobs and volunteer opportunities abroad — everything from establishing churches in Italy to teaching English in Japan to doing medical missions in West Asia.
Discover how you can engage your profession and passions to bring God’s love to life among the least-reached.
If you don’t find the missions opportunity you’re looking for below, talk to a coach about how you want to serve.
Spend 2-3 months living and working as a disciple-maker among the least-reached. Be mentored by...
Spend 2-12 months with an established team of Crossworld disciple-makers. Serve alongside them as...
Spend 3-24 months engaging in an Italian community of believers. Be part of their fellowship, use...
Planning for a future career in missions? Start getting cross-cultural experience now by working...
Interested in teaching English overseas after you graduate? Get a taste of cross-cultural life...
Spend three months engaging locals in the Canary Islands of Spain, where disciple-making is all...