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There Should Be No Least-Reached

There Should Be No Least-Reached

I have a stack of stickers on my desk that say “There should be no least-reached.” I tuck them inside cards, post them on bulletin boards, and hand them out like candy.

Even working at a mission agency, it’s easy to get distracted by the details of the job. This sticker is a visual reminder of the why.

Why do we send friends to dangerous places?
Why do we work so hard to get visas and learn languages?
Why do we sacrifice the American dream to live in uncomfortable places?

Because there are 3.2 billion people who have little to no access to the gospel. If you’re doing the math, that’s almost 45% of the 7 billion people on our planet. And that’s just plain wrong.

That number should be zero. None. There should be no least-reached. Here are six reasons why.

1. God created the least-reached to bear his image.

Scripture teaches that all humankind was created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). Every person ever born (and yet to be born) is God’s image-bearer. We’re to proclaim God’s glory and reflect him in the world. The least-reached bear his image, and they don’t even know him.

If the least-reached matter to God, they should matter to us too.

2. God is worthy of their worship.

John Piper said that “missions exists because worship doesn’t.” In Revelation 7:9, we see God’s heart for the nations to worship him. The least-reached were created to worship God, but how can they worship One of whom they have never heard? God is being robbed of glory all around the world.

If God is worthy of their worship, he’s worthy of our obedience.

3. God loves the least-reached.

You will never look into the eyes of someone that God does not love. Even those in the far corners of the world, hidden away in remote villages or bustling cities. God sees them all and loves each one. His Word reveals from cover to cover his great love for the whole world (John 3:16). Yet many of them are still trying to earn the approval of the gods they worship.

If God loves the least-reached, we should love them too.

4. God is not willing that the least-reached should perish.

Jesus came that the least-reached might have life — abundant and eternal (John 10:10). He is patient, not wanting any of them to die an eternal death (2 Peter 3:9). But they cannot receive eternal life, so long as they are unreached with the gospel.

If God is not okay with the least-reached perishing, neither should we be okay with it.

5. God gave his only Son to redeem the least-reached.

God willingly sent Jesus, who gave his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Jesus’ sacrifice covers the least-reached. The price has already been paid for their sins; they just don’t know it yet.

If God was willing to give his only Son, we should be willing to pay whatever the cost to tell them.

6. God has equipped his people to finish the task.

Jesus gave the command to proclaim the good news to all nations. He commissioned his people to make disciples who make disciples. He even sent the Holy Spirit to empower us for the task (Acts 1:8).

If we, as God’s people, obediently pray to the Lord of the harvest and join his work in making disciples, then there should be no least-reached.

What is God asking you to do to stop the reality of the least-reached? Talk to a missions coach.

There should be no least-reached stickerP.S. Ask me for a “There should be no least-reached” sticker, and join the fight for gospel equality.

Mark Silvers, Crossworld Director of MobilizationMark Silvers served with Crossworld in the Philippines for 10 years and joined the home office staff as Director of Mobilization in 2009. Mark’s driving passion is to reach the 3.02 billion people in the world today with no access to the gospel.

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