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Give to a Disciple-Maker’s Ministry

Most Crossworld disciple-makers raise some or all of their ministry funding. When you give to a worker’s ministry, you become a direct partner in the life-changing impact on the ground.

Enter your worker’s name and/or account number in the fields below to give.

On behalf of the Crossworld family, thank you for your part in bringing life to the least-reached.

Support a Worker's Ministry

We are deeply thankful for our giving family. They are not just investing in our ministry, but investing in our lives.

Thank you to each and every partner who comes alongside a Crossworld family. Your spiritual investment is deeply appreciated.

— Doug & Amy Williams, disciple-makers in Italy

Give Where Most Needed
Your gift to the Global Advance Fund sends, equips, and cares for disciple-makers among the least-reached. Learn more.
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