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Campaign for Maranatha

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College Maranatha, a pre-kindergarten through grade 13 school, has offered a Christ-centered education in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for 65 years. It serves as a refuge for hundreds of students in the troubled Haitian capital and it molds their faith into lifelong patterns of serving Christ.

However, the future of Maranatha is uncertain. In 2020, gang fighting in the hills around Port-au-Prince forced the school to leave its long-time campus to a safer location. 

Now the neighborhood where many of the teachers and students live has been attacked by the gangs, forcing hundreds of families to flee their homes and live on the street, cram in with relatives or sleep on church floors.

Despite the loss of their homes and livelihoods, many of Maranatha’s parents are desperate to send their children back to school when it opens next week.

We are raising funds to help these students return to Maranatha where they can experience a sense of normalcy and hope in their upended lives. 

Would you consider helping a student?

$25 - Purchases a school supply kit 
$50 - Provides breakfast before school for one month    
$150 - Pays a child’s tuition for one semester
$5,000 - Helps a family of five rent a home for a year        

Thank you for partnering with us to help these students and their families. It will make a lasting difference in their lives.

For more information or to start a campaign at your church or school to help these students and families, please contact Mark Bradley at [email protected].

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