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Every Job for Jesus

Christian coloring pages for kids on mission
Every Job for Jesus is a fun coloring book teaching children ages 4 and up how different jobs can be used to show God’s love to others. Whether on the playground today or in an office tomorrow, God can use them to bring his love to life.

Here’s what this coloring book teaches children (and grown-ups) about work:
  • Whatever they like to do was put there not only for their enjoyment but also for God’s purpose and pleasure.
  • Whatever they like to do can be used to show God’s love to others.
  • Sharing God’s love with others can be done just about anywhere through any type of job

Download in English

Download, print, and share these coloring pages with the kids in your life. And don't forget the page of fun learning tips! Click on an image below to download.

Using Every Job for Jesus in a kids’ class? Download this sample lesson plan for ideas.

Cover + interior Front cover Back cover Interior pages Table of contents
Baker Athlete Doctor Teacher Fisherman
Pastor Pilot Animal doctor Builder Musician
Farmer Toy store owner I can do this now. I can do this later. Fun learning tips

Download en espaƱol

Haga clic aquí para bajar un divertido libro para colorear en español, Todo Trabajo es para Jesús.

16 páginas | + cubra


Order printed copies of Every Job for Jesus in English for $3 each. Contact us to order.

Download and print pages for free in English and Spanish above.


Contributing writer: Charlotte Adelsperger
Spanish translator: patricia goitia lebo
Thanks to Crossworld’s 300+ workers all over the world who have committed their lives to making disciples of Jesus wherever life happens.
© 2013 Crossworld. Reproduction for non-commercial use is permissible.
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