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23 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Mission Agency

23 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Mission Agency

First question: Should you join a mission agency? (Explore that question here.)

If you answered that question yes

Next question: Which one?

Mission agencies, just like individual members of the body of Christ, share the goal of God’s glory among the nations. Also just like people, every agency has its own personality, values, and strategies. It’s important to find the right fit so that you and your ministry thrive over the long haul.

But how do you know if it’s a good fit?

Before you agreed to marry your spouse, you probably had a few criteria and a long list of questions to ask while you were dating. Follow the same principle when exploring mission agencies. Take some time to “date” the mission agencies you like before you commit, so there are fewer surprises later.

Here are 23 questions to ask to help you choose the right mission agency.

About the agency...

  1. What is the agency’s mission statement?
  2. What are its core values? Why these values, and how are they being lived out across the organization?
  3. What is the strategic focus (geographic and type of ministry)?
  4. How long has it been established?
  5. Does it have a denominational affiliation?
  6. How many members does it have? What’s the growth rate? Attrition rate?

About church partnerships...

  1. How does the agency view its relationship with your sending church?
  2. What role and/or authority will your sending church have in your overseas ministry?
  3. How does the agency view the national church where you’re going to serve?

About training...

  1. What type of training will you receive?
  2. What will the process look like from application to deployment, and what timeline can you expect?
  3. Does the agency provide ongoing professional development?

About finances...

  1. How is the ministry funded, both the organization overall and your personal ministry?
  2. What is the membership fee, and what does it include?

About life care...

  1. How are team members (including children) cared for in transition and on the field?
  2. What resources are available to you?
  3. How are workers held accountable?

About the ministry...

  1. What is the general philosophy of ministry practice?
  2. Who decides what ministry you will be involved in?
  3. Is ministry strategy driven by the home office or by the workers on the ground?
  4. Does the agency encourage innovative new ministry methods and ideas?
  5. How are decisions made on the field?
  6. How is success measured?

Seek the Lord’s direction as you search out answers to these questions. And don’t forget to ask your church, family, and friends to pray with you in this journey!

Mark Silvers, Crossworld Director of MobilizationMark Silvers served with Crossworld in the Philippines for 10 years and joined the home office staff as Director of Mobilization in 2009. Mark’s driving passion is to reach the 3.02 billion people in the world today with no access to the gospel.

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