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All Fired-Up and Nowhere to Preach

ASIA — “Banyu, slower!” Daniel teased. “Your fast talk makes me dizzy.”

“But my heart wants to shout to everyone that Jesus forgave me!” Banyu needed Daniel, his mentor and a Crossworld worker, to understand his desire to be an evangelist. But Daniel needed Banyu to consider the cost.

“Preaching in public only leads to prison. But if you learn a good trade, you can live out the gospel every day where you work.”

Maybe computers, Banyu thought. They interest me. So when Daniel insisted he find a job, Banyu agreed — as long as it would give him a real, contributing role in reaching a people group for Christ.

When he enrolled in a course, Banyu didn’t even know how to turn on a computer. But he studied hard and learned quickly. Knowing the top 10 students were guaranteed jobs, he prayed for God’s help.

Several months later, Banyu shared big news with Daniel: “I feel God leading me to [a distant city] to share Christ.”

“What about your course?”

“I’ll finish, but then I’m going. If God wants me to use computers to share Christ, then God will provide a way.”

The course ended and Banyu discovered his hard work had paid off — he was fourth in his class!

“We’re obligated to give you a job, but there’s a problem,” Banyu’s teacher told him. “The only position available is five hours away.”

Banyu’s eyes widened — the job was in the same city he felt God leading him to! He snapped up the offer, packed his bags and made his home in the town he’d prayed for.

Though Banyu’s profession became technology, his passion to be an evangelist never faded. He enthusiastically tells people about Jesus, and his disciples now have disciples who are making more disciples. With a career and confidence in Christ, Banyu is fulfilling his calling in transforming many people for Him.

What would the world look like if all believers in all professions committed themselves to their 925 Windows? What would your workplace look like?

Italicized names were changed to protect identities.

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