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An Architect and the Making of Disciples

ASIA — Andrew is an architect. He loves boats and the water, and he owns a boat-building business in Asia, where he lives. Andrew also loves Jesus and wants more people in his country to follow Him.

Andrew can be a legitimate business owner in this country where missionaries are not allowed. Unlike most employers in the country, he is honest, fair, caring and supportive of employees, clients, vendors, tax authorities, accountants, neighbors and landlord. He can live out his faith in the workplace and use his profession to impact his staff of about 30 employees. In short, Andrew is ‘Jesus’ to Muslims and Hindus who have never heard the good news.

When Andrew bought the business, there was not one employee who loved and followed Jesus. Recently he wrote this:

“A 56-year-old Muslim man just accepted the Lord and was baptized yesterday! He has a wife and two twenty-something boys. He is a changed man and even his wife can see it. Please pray for him and his family, as I understand his wife will seek approval from her family to follow his ‘new faith’ in Jesus.”

Now Andrew has disciples on both sides of the cross — many following afar off and one following more closely. Andrew continues to trust God to build His church as he runs his business for profit, for creating jobs and for making followers of Jesus.

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