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Bolder Than a Superhero

ASIA — Mae consistently changed the subject each time Bianca, a Crossworld worker and her friend, mentioned the Bible in their conversations. She would listen politely for a few minutes, but she had no interest in considering the things Bianca talked about. Bianca’s frustration grew as Mae’s disinterest closed every spiritual discussion.
Finally, as they shared a meal weeks later, Bianca opened up in a new way. “I’ve really been struggling recently,” she said, “but I’m trusting in God’s faithfulness and His promises.” Bianca opened her Bible and showed Mae a passage she’d been reading.
“Actually I’ve been struggling with the same things,” Mae said. Then she shared about things in her life that Bianca had never known.
“You, too, can trust God in your life,” Bianca said. And Mae listened, without changing the subject.

How could you be more honest about your own struggles — with believers or nonbelievers?

Italicized names have been changed to protect identities.
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