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Crossworld workers say “Thank You”

Crossworld workers say “Thank You”

What are we thankful for in a year like 2020? Suffering surrounds us, and physical blessings may be less abundant. Perhaps your city is in chaos. Maybe you lost a job this year or, God forbid, even a loved one to COVID-19.

And yet you know our God reigns, and you are clinging to the hope that is to come.

In spite of the uncertainty and challenges you’ve been going through, you’ve kept the least-reached a priority. You’ve continued to pray and give so they may receive the same hope you have in Christ.

Because of you, unreached people without hope have heard the gospel this year.

Crossworld workers have continued to bring God’s love to life around the world through your partnership. They’d like to say thank you for your role in the unstoppable spread of the gospel.

“This week, ministry among refugees has looked like neurology appointments advocating for a young boy with seizures, art activities with a young girl experiencing nightmares, and a consultation with a toddler who cannot speak. We don’t know the end of these stories, but we hear the same thing over and over: ‘No one else sits with us like this. No one else cares like this.’ This is Jesus entering into these stories through our hands and feet, and you are part of this. We’re in all these tents and doctors’ offices because you’ve made it possible. Thank you for spreading compassion and eternal hope.”

— Willow, West Asia

“As we reflect on our short time here (most of it under some degree of lockdown), we realize that we have more to be thankful for than ever before. We will be gathering with our new local friends and some other expats to share a Thanksgiving meal and honor God for all He has done. This is possible because of our wonderful partners. We are incredibly thankful for you.”

— Mark, South Africa

“I’m eternally grateful for your partnership in God’s work around the world. Just last month, 20 women from 9 countries spent 45 hours fellowshipping with each other and the Lord, being refreshed and encouraged, so they could continue to live out their calling. It starts with you and spreads to influence people from every nation and tongue. What a blessing to be working on the same team!”

— Sandra, Asia

“At this time of Thanksgiving, I’d like to say a personal thank you for your faithful, sacrificial giving over the years. Without your prayers and financial support, we could not accomplish the task of spreading God’s message of love and redemption to the least-reached. You are bringing glory to God by your participation in the gospel. You are storing up treasures in heaven to enjoy for all eternity and will one day meet those whose lives you have impacted. ‘For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints’ (Hebrews 6:10).”

— Annette, Ukraine

“Thank you for your faithfulness in praying and supporting the Lord's work. Much has been accomplished because of your prayers and support. Children have come to know Christ, and some are pastors and evangelists now as adults. A church was started and is growing still. You have been an encouragement and a blessing to me.”

— Darlene, Dominican Republic

“Hello from northern Italy! Because of you, we are living life alongside friends and neighbors. Through relationship building and community service, we are reflecting the light of Christ in our city. We thank you for your continued support of the nations, especially in Italy and throughout Europe.”

— Doug & Amy, Italy

“Because of your partnership with us, a displaced group of Turkana people who were fighting and drinking three years ago have been transformed. They saw the Jesus Film, came to follow Him, and are now a new and growing church. We praise God for His work and are full of thanksgiving for you!”

—    Steve & Melinda, Eastern Africa

“Thanksgiving is a special day to take pause and give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness to us. He has given us all that we need and He has used you! We are grateful and humbled by your partnership with us as “unto the Lord.” Your faithful and sacrificial giving and prayer support is such an encouragement to us, especially during this most challenging of years. We give thanks to the Lord for you.”

—    Karen, USA

Because of you, the good news has been publicly proclaimed over the internet like never before this year to an unreached people group of more than 15 million. We and other believers are developing discipleship relationships and life-coaching students, and the students are showing interest in what makes their coaches tick. Thanks for what you’re doing to contribute to the cutting edge of the spread of the good news!”

— Dave, Asia

From all of us at Crossworld, thank you for your partnership in the gospel this year.

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