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Gradual Transformation Is a Miracle Too

Gradual Transformation Is a Miracle Too

When you think of a miracle, what do you imagine? An instant healing? A last-minute rescue? Yes, certainly. But sometimes miracles are a gradual transformation. These miracles can be hidden in the hearts of people until they eventually break forth in a word or deed, like the blooming of flowers in spring.

I recently witnessed such a miracle.

Last year, our outreach to the Roma community seemed to be bearing little fruit. The children fidgeted and fussed during the Bible lesson, if they listened at all. One time a bag of candy spilled on the ground, and the kids pounced on it faster than we could pick it up, each child vying for as many pieces as their little hands would hold. Their desire was not yet for Jesus.

But consider this year. The children eagerly participate in the Bible lesson and seem to understand that Jesus died for them. When a character in an animated Bible film asked, “Who can heal me?” a little boy in our group said quietly but earnestly, “Jesus can!” And one day a boy offered me his second helping of cake. When I declined, he said, “But ma’am, what will you eat?”

What a difference a year can make!

Of course, the children are not always attentive and considerate. There are still discouraging days. And the kids face challenges in the years ahead. Lack of education and alcoholism are the norm. For teenage girls, so is forced marriage.

But for today, I’m marveling at the miracle God has done through His love and the teaching of His Word.

Seeing the way God is working in this village encourages me about the ministries in other villages.

In another village, my coworker and I are just starting an outdoor Bible club and working to develop relationships in the community. We can feel overwhelmed when we see the needs of the people.

We’re only two disciple-makers.

But we serve a God who works miracles.

Your prayers and financial support have been an important part of this ministry. Because of you, children in Romania have the opportunity to hear about the One who can perform a miracle in their heart. Thank you!

Crossworld worker Laura Hansen has served with Crossworld since 2002 and in Romania since 2012.

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