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If Jesus Were an Engineer

HAITI — Ben is an engineer. So is Bruce, so is John, and so is Jonathan! They all understand that their engineering ability can change the lives of desperate people in Haiti.

Ben says on his blog, “Serving Jesus is not a two-week trip once a year or a Saturday morning outreach event, but an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. Every moment of every day is in honor to God. There is no distinction between holy work and normal work, no difference between the sacred realm of life and the secular … Jesus is Lord over all!”

How does that translate to life in Haiti? For these engineering guys, it means designing a dam — two of them, in fact. You see, when it rains in the Passe Catabois region of Haiti, the rain rushes in torrents out to sea and an amazing resource is lost. The series of dams, irrigation structures and canals capture large volumes of water and release it slowly so that water is available for farms and gardens over a longer period of time. They are training local men in the work as well, providing employment both now and long after they are gone.

Ben and Bruce see their work as “what Jesus would do”: serving the needs of a desperate people. On the job, at mountaintop sunrises or in Bible studies, these engineers are training Haitians in practical skills and in the Word of God.

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