The Greatest Injustice in Our World Today
For all the flack they get from other generations, millennials get something right: They take the fight against injustice seriously. Human trafficking, racial discrimination, gender equality, homelessness, harassment, child abuse, poverty — all of these social ills have earned a resurgence of attention as millennials have taken the vocal stage.
They fight for equality in all its forms. And they’re willing to sacrifice to see change. In fact, 86% of millennials said they would consider a pay cut to work for a cause they care about.
All of us, at our core, want to be part of a cause bigger than ourselves. We fear coming to the end of our lives and realizing we accomplished nothing that will outlive us. We long to give our lives to something that matters.
And these injustices do matter. They’re worthy of our attention and sacrifice. But there’s one social justice battle that’s not making news headlines. And of all the injustices assaulting the world today, this one is the greatest known to humanity.
It’s the injustice of gospel inequality.
Just like where you live on the planet determines whether you have access to education, clean water, and fair employment, where you live also determines whether you have access to the gospel. This reality affects 3.02 billion people today — 3.02 billion people who are unreached and gospel deprived.
Think about it. Deprived of the good news. Deprived of Jesus. Deprived of hope. Deprived of true life.
Worse yet, this injustice does not end at death. Those who suffer it now will suffer it for eternity.
Fully a third of the world’s population is suffering the greatest injustice known to humankind.
Dare I say, we as believers are (at the very least) prolonging this injustice? We who claim to be followers of Christ and are charged with being His witnesses, abound in wealth and ability. The least-reached are lacking, and yet we keep to ourselves.
We have the power to change this injustice. You have the power to change it.
This is a cause worth fighting for. Worth taking a pay cut for.
We can — and should — fight other injustices too, but they can only finally be solved when we abolish this one. Only the gospel can bring freedom in all the other areas of injustice, because only Jesus has the power to transform hearts.
Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Are you willing to give your life to this cause? Join a community fighting this injustice.
Mark Silvers served with Crossworld in the Philippines for 10 years and joined the home office staff as Director of Mobilization in 2009. Mark’s driving passion is to reach the 3.02 billion people in the world today with no access to the gospel.