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Uh-Oh... Not Another Interruption

HAITI — Knock-knock. Gail’s eyes shifted to the door and then back down to her Bible. She was trying to prepare to lead a Bible study coming up. “What is it now? Probably someone trying to sell me pineapples again,” she thought.
More than a little frustrated, she stood to open the door. Surprisingly, Madame Lucsenda stood outside, looking sad and troubled.
Gail quickly invited her in. “Is everything okay?” For the next hour, Madame shared about several heartaches in her family. Gail listened and then offered, “Madame, can we pray together?”
Quiet words were spoken and then Madame looked up. “Thank you for listening to me,” she smiled. “And for praying with me.”
Later, Gail slowly closed the door with a change of mind: “That was definitely an opportunity, not an interruption.”

Excuse me...
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Italicized names have been changed to protect identities.

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