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“Welcome to 2020, please hold!”

“Welcome to 2020, please hold!”

As you think back over 2020, does it seem like your life was put on hold? Instead of being able to move forward with your goals, did you get redirected to the waiting list? Have shattered hopes and the unreliability of plans made you feel a lack of purpose?

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know what the future holds.

But we know one thing: In all the chaos and suffering 2020 has brought, the least-reached need Jesus more than ever.

Have you ever felt God leading you toward missions? Perhaps you weren’t ready to say yes or you didn’t know how you could make a difference.

2020 changed the game. You don’t have to feel stuck. You can follow God and say yes to His purpose for your life.

Imagine if this time next year you were sharing the joy of Jesus’ birth with people who’ve never heard such good news. Imagine using the skills and passions God has given you, and building relationships through your job with people who’ve never met a Christian. There will certainly be difficult days, but you’ll know that just being there matters. And every chance you get to bring God’s love to life? That’s the sense of purpose you’ll live for.

If you’re tired of being “on hold” and need some direction, start exploring your role in God’s mission. 2021 could be the year you stop living on the sidelines of God’s work in the world and join the ranks of those on the front lines of eternal impact.

Considering it? Sign-up for exclusive cross-cultural and disciple-making resources to help guide you.

Mark Silvers, Crossworld Director of MobilizationMark Silvers served with Crossworld in the Philippines for 10 years and joined the home office staff as Director of Mobilization in 2009. Mark’s driving passion is to reach the 3.2 billion people in the world today with no access to the gospel.

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