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Do to Live and Live to Do

“What do you do for a living?” is a question many cross-cultural workers struggle with. How can they explain that an overseas entity pays them to talk about Jesus? With American culture often scorned, proselytism viewed as a dirty word, and fewer countries issuing visas for religious workers, answering that question is a major challenge.

Even in Banyu’s home country, the restrictions meant he needed a secular profession. When he trained to be a computer technician, he saw God direct his path to the very people group he’d been praying for. His profession is computers. But his passion is Jesus.

Those are the kind of people we’re looking for — people who’ll use their professions in the world’s least-reached marketplaces to make disciples. Like Banyu, they may be computer techies, engineers, teachers or business entrepreneurs on the outside, but on the inside their great passion in life is to make disciples of Jesus. No, they don’t leave behind their God-given skills and experiences to make disciples. Rather, they leverage them for His kingdom as a means of making disciples wherever life happens. 

What do they do for a living? Almost anything imaginable — start businesses, design websites, teach students and more. But what do they live to do? Make disciples.

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